Hiring the right landscaper to do work around your home takes research and care. You want to learn more about the company, its work, and its reputation. And never underestimate the importance of hiring a licensed and insured landscaper.
Avoid the Temptation to Take Short-Cuts
Hiring an unlicensed or uninsured landscaper can leave you, the homeowner, open to financial risks and, at the very least, with headaches and regret. But the temptation to ignore some missing qualifications can be great.
An unlicensed, uninjured landscaper will probably have cheaper rates. But it’s dangerous to let cost alone be the deciding factor.
Would you rather pay more for shrubs that come from hearty stock and are properly installed, or would you rather opt for a contractor who improperly plants inferior shrubs?
If you select the latter, later in the season when you see your new landscape dying, you’ll undoubtedly regret basing your decision on dollars alone. Not only will you be out the money for the shoddy work and products, but you’ll have to spend additional money to have the project done right.
A landscaping company may have lower prices because they skimp on products, training, salaries, and have fewer operating costs—such as insurance and licensing.
Since attractive landscape renovation can substantially increase the value of your home, it’s worth the effort to hire the best landscaper for the job.
Risks of Working With an Uninsured Landscaper
Landscaping is a very unpredictable and sometimes dangerous business—damage to both property and workers can occur.

If your landscaper doesn’t have proper insurance, you may be:
- Responsible for injuries that occurred on your property
- Unable to recover costs for property damage caused by your landscaper
You should have peace of mind knowing that your landscaping company carries adequate insurance—you won’t have to fear risking your bank account should the project go awry.
Additionally, a well-insured company indicates that it operates professionally, openly, and legally.
Types of Landscaping Insurance
The federal government requires that a business with employees carries workers’ compensation, disability, and unemployment insurance. Other insurance requirements can vary from state to state.
In New Jersey, many landscapers have Landscaping Insurance which can include different coverage. This insurance will help protect both you and the landscaper.

General Liability Insurance offers protection against property damage, workplace injuries, and more. Commercial Umbrella Liability will extend this coverage. Commercial auto insurance will include a company’s ride-on lawn mowers and trucks used to remove lawn debris.
When you are considering hiring a landscape company, ask to see their Certificate of Insurance (COI). Their insurance company issues the COI; it verifies and summarizes the conditions of their insurance policy
If a landscaper appears disturbed by your questions about insurance, consider it to be a red flag. As their potential client, you have every right to ask what insurance they are covered by because your protection depends upon it.
Risks of Working With an Unlicensed Landscaper
Why a State License Is Important
Licensing requirements for landscaping companies vary from state to state. Licensing requirements for landscaping companies can be confusing because they may be necessary for certain services but not for other seemingly related services.
A state license is important because it assures you that the company you’re considering knows how to work safely and knowledgeably, follows all regulations, and has met all requirements needed to get the license.
Also, an unlicensed company may not be able to obtain the building permits or legally do work on your property. This can leave you open to municipal fines and demands to remove completed work.
New Jersey requires landscapers to apply for a Home Improvement Contractor license, which is issued by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Licensing restrictions also exist for companies that perform certain specific jobs such as tree care, applying pesticides, or providing tick and mosquito control.
Your Role in the Process
Before hiring a landscaper, find out the licensing requirements in your state and check that your potential landscaper has obtained the license.
When you ask a landscaper about their license, it shows that you have high expectations and that you will not accept shoddy or incomplete work.
If they don’t offer to show you the actual license, call your state’s licensing board for verification.
A licensed company is much more likely to be reliable and have the expertise your landscaping project needs. Unlicensed landscapers who offer services at deeply discounted rates are unfair and possibly illegal competition for licensed businesses.
Also, unlicensed landscapers often don’t carry workers’ compensation or liability insurance—leaving you, the homeowner, at risk.
If a landscaper in your state doesn’t need business licensing, they should still have insurance to protect their workers, you and your property, and themselves.
Minimize Risk to Your Home and Finances
Hiring a licensed and insured landscaper will minimize any risk for your family.
It will help protect you in the event:
- The work is being done incorrectly
- The work remains uncompleted
- Work isn’t up to code
- Your property is damaged
- Someone gets hurt on the job

Even if you hire a local high school student to mow your lawn, there is risk involved. Property damage or personal injury can occur.
First, speak to your insurance company to determine the damages you could potentially be held responsible for and whether you have coverage.
Take These Last Steps Before Deciding
Once you are feeling confident that your landscaper’s licensing and insurance exist and are in order, be sure to fully check out their work. After all, licensing and insurance don’t guarantee that the company will do great work.

Ask to see the landscaper’s portfolio of jobs that are like the one you are hiring them for. Request photographs. Check out their website. Ask for referrals. Now you can feel comfortable that you’ve taken all the necessary steps to hire the best landscaper for the job.
Find out how to hire a commercial landscaping company for your HOA in New Jersey. Use this checklist for hiring a commercial landscape maintenance company.
Landscape Solutions is an award-winning residential and commercial landscaping company. Contact us for your complete landscaping needs.