The Benefits of Landscape Lighting for Your Home

Have you ever considered landscape lighting for your property? There are multiple aesthetic and practical reasons to illuminate your property. Outdoor lighting will light your way at night, shine a light on one of your biggest assets, and keep your property safe. Here is a look at the benefits of landscape lighting for your home and the top reasons you should get started on your design and installation now!

Increased Curb Appeal and Home Value

At night, landscape lighting it can accentuate the best features of your property and disguised less appealing aspects. It can make a yard and home look more valuable and produce a safe, inviting feeling.Outdoor lighting goes a long way toward charming potential buyers and creating a good first impression. This is often the deciding factor in how quickly a house sells.

Crime Reduction

In a large and extensive study by the University of Chicago Crime Lab (2017), randomized housing was chosen for the installation of outdoor lighting. Many of these houses were in areas where crime rates were high.

After six months, the lab concluded that nighttime criminal activity was reduced significantly. Assault, homicide, and weapons crimes dropped 12%, felony crimes 30%, and index crimes by 39%. Installing landscape lighting can keep your home and family safe from unwanted intruders.

Accident Prevention

A well-lit yard is a much safer place to spend time at night; especially when there are stairways, slopes, pools, ponds, and tripping hazards like shrubs and large stones. This can be especially important during the winter since familiar features can be coated with ice and snow and are impossible to see in the dark.


Few things are more beautiful than a well-designed landscape glowing at night. It sets the perfect mood for parties and romantic evenings and expands leisure time from the confines of your house to your entire property. Features like pools, hot tubs, or play areas are no longer restricted to daytime use. They can be more enjoyable later in the day when it’s cooler and a better time to relax and unwind.

Animal Deterrent

Lighting is a safe, nonviolent method for keeping some nocturnal wildlife away. While animals like squirrels and coyotes aren’t bothered by landscape lighting; raccoons, rats, and opossums can be driven away by motion-sensor lighting and strobe lights. If you live in an area where garbage raiding is common, installing these types of lights in key areas can help keep your yard clean and undisturbed. It can also prevent them from nesting in areas of your property that would otherwise be enticing. 

No Time Like the Present

Get started on your lighting design now and reap the rewards for years to come. Any time is a great time for an installation. The many benefits of landscape lighting include making the most of every season, shining a light on shorter days in the winter, and creates ambiance and safety in outdoor living spaces in summer. If you’re ready to consider landscape lighting and the value it can add to your daily life and home, give us a call!