Small Yard Transformed into a Private Backyard Oasis
Maplewood, NJ
Design and Installation
by Landscape Solutions

Our client wanted their small backyard turned into a private oasis with an area for cooking and entertaining and a secluded area for reading and solitude.
The biggest challenge was the small square footage to work with. The patio was designed with Techo Bloc wet cast stone pavers and bordered with river rock pavers to complement. Large natural boulders were used to address grading differences and to match the stone steps.
A pond-less container water feature was included near a private river rock circular patio to provide a private peaceful setting. Sod was installed and surrounded with new garden beds to give the rest of the property back to nature.
The custom outdoor kitchen and bar included a black granite countertop and a tile feature wall behind the grill. The seating area includes a firepit and seat wall with bull-nosed capstone. Shrubs were planted for privacy.