Drainage and Grading

Drainage and Grading

Landscape Drainage & Grading Contractors

Landscape Solutions can design and install a landscape drainage system and provides landscape grading that is ideal for the needs and requirements of your residential or commercial property. Drainage Systems are installed to control the amount of water flow into your landscapes, gardens, lawns, and basement or foundation.

Example of Drainage System for Front Yard

The Right Amount of Water is Key

Residential Underground Drainage System

Stormwater Runoff

Drainage is very important when it comes to various environmental factors such as stormwater runoff. Increased stormwater runoff can erode streams and wash sediment down into receiving waters. This runoff causes  property erosion and reduced water quality.

By installing a drainage system with the expertise of an outdoor drainage contractor, you can infiltrate runoff into soils, re-distribute water to other vegetation, or detain it for other uses.

Water is the key element to healthy lawns and gardens, but too much water can cause serious damage. It’s important to get the right amount of water to your landscaping.

Installing the correct type of landscape drainage system for your particular property will regulate the amount of water your landscape is receiving, resulting in a much healthier looking property.

Installing Drainage in a Yard

Surface Drainage

Surface drainage collects water from the surface and redirects it elsewhere. This drainage system typically collects rain water before it has a chance to enter storm water systems or pollute waterways.

Surface drainage requires some type of channel or ditch by re-shaping and grading the surface of the land to eliminate puddling and long term saturation of the lawn or gardens.

The requirements for surface drainage vary depending on topography, soil, the amount and type of foliage and the climate.

Careful planning and design are essential in a yard drainage installation to ensure proper water management.

Landscape Drainage Flo Well

Subsurface Drainage

A subsurface drainage system is installed beneath the soil surface and is typically used for landscapes, gardens, and behind retaining walls.

Pipes covered in geotextile fabric are designed to collect and move excess water away.

Creating a subsurface drainage system requires the planning and installation of an expert backyard drainage contractor. When they are well-planned and constructed with high-quality materials, they will function well for a long time.

The type of subsurface drainage is determined by the topography, the soil, and the number of trees within proximity to the area to determine the best landscape drainage solution.

Excavation Equipment

Land Clearing & Excavation

Landscape Solutions provides land clearing and excavation on your commercial or residential site.

Your land will be cleared of all plant material and debris for site preparation and/or drainage correction. We remove brush, trees, stumps, rocks, and any other obstacles blocking the completion of your project.  

Our land clearing services are available year-around.

Please contact us to discuss the needs for your site.

Contact Landscape Solutions Today

Solve your drainage and grading issues and to protect your property and your home from water damage.

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